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California Car Insurance: How to Find Cheap Car Insurance

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California law does NOT require you buy car insurance if your vehicle doesn't have it. To drive, you can either use a cash deposit or DMV certificate of self insurance. Only liability insurance is required by the state. Liability coverage must cover bodily injury and property damage.

California Car Insurance can be purchased out-of–pocket

It can be difficult to find affordable California car insurance. The state's insurance laws can be very different from those in other states. In California, you'll find that the minimum level of coverage is lower than the minimum required in most other states. You could end up paying more for car insurance than you need, even if your credit score is excellent.

Consider buying liability coverage and comprehensive coverage for the vehicle. These policies cover damage caused by collisions. Liability coverage, which covers damage to other drivers and their properties, is the legal minimum. You may be able to extend your liability coverage beyond the legal minimum in certain cases.

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Minimum coverage limits

California's minimum requirements for car insurance are strict in terms of coverage. For example, the minimum amount of property damage coverage is only $5,000, which is barely enough to cover the cost of the other party's new car. Your own medical expenses are not covered by the minimum limits, which can make it very costly. You can get more coverage by purchasing uninsured motorist coverage, which will cover you and your passengers if you're ever involved in an accident.

California has very strict limits on liability coverage. The minimum required by law is fifteen-thousand-five, which means that you'll only have to pay for bodily injury and property damage if you're at fault in an accident. You will be responsible if the other party is unable to pay the amounts.


California car insurance costs vary depending on driving experience and age. On average, drivers aged 25-35 pay 2.5 times more than drivers older than them. This is due to teenagers being statistically more likely than older drivers to be in an auto accident. For this reason, Californians should aim for full coverage policies. These policies can be much cheaper than the minimum liability policy (which costs $50 per monthly).

California does require full coverage. But, it is not mandatory. These plans usually include liability, comprehensive, collision, uninsured/underinsured motorist, and medical payments. Full coverage plans are more expensive than the minimum required by the state, but can protect you from a financial catastrophe. Mercury, GEICO, Progressive and Progressive offer the cheapest California policies. The average monthly cost of California car insurance is about $150 per month. But, you should note that the cost of California car insurance can go up if your policy includes additional insurance.

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California offers hundreds of choices when it comes car insurance. If you are looking for more coverage, lower rates, or a comprehensive plan, it is worth comparing rates and discounts with several companies before you make a decision. You should consider your age, driving record, credit score, and other factors.

To begin with, it's worth comparing the car insurance companies in your town. You should consider what your neighbors pay for their coverage, as this can save you a lot of money. For instance, Progressive has several different discounts, including one for signing up online. Snapshot, which rewards safe driving, can lead to significant savings. Because of the high amount of car thefts in Los Angeles, car insurance can be quite expensive.


California Car Insurance: How to Find Cheap Car Insurance