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How to cancel your pet's best insurance coverage

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Having pet insurance is a good way to make sure your furry friend receives the care he or she needs when sick or injured. You should know how you can cancel your pet insurance policy.

Cancel your coverage

To cancel your insurance for pets, go to the company website and fill out a form. Be sure to include your reason for cancellation. Once you submit this information, the company will cancel your policy.

Cancel Your Coverage Before The Waiting Period Ends

Most pet insurance policies have waiting periods which begin immediately after the effective date. These periods are intended to help prevent claims from being filed by owners who enroll their pets before they're diagnosed with a health condition that will be covered under the policy.

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Most states have a waiting period of six months for cruciate ligament problems.

In some cases, insurance providers also have waiting times for certain ailments. These include hereditary and congenital conditions. It's possible to waive these waiting periods if you have your dog or cat evaluated by a vet and the doctor determines that they aren't at risk for a pre-existing condition.

No Age Limits

Pets Best policies do not include an age restriction, so your dog or cat can be covered as soon they are 7 weeks old. The company also provides a 30-day trial period to allow you to try out plans before making a final decision.

Customer Service

We hear a lot about the lack of customer service from pet insurance companies. Pets Best has a live chat service that allows the company to respond to customer concerns on a more personal level. This is a smart move, as it will reduce the number complaints about abandoning sites and increase conversions online.


There are also a few features available that help pet owners use their insurance. Among these are veterinary direct pay and a member center portal that makes it easy to track claims, deductibles and reimbursements.

Vet Direct Pay

Pets Best's veterinary direct pay is unlike most other pet-insurance companies. You can directly reimburse your veterinarian when they treat your pet. Using this feature can reduce your costs by eliminating the need to cover the cost of the veterinary bill and wait for reimbursement.

Your Reimbursement Amount

You can choose an annual benefit amount, a deductible for each year and the percentage of a vet bill you will receive back every time you file a claims. The member center portal allows you to track the status of your claim and receive a check, or direct deposit within two days.


How to cancel your pet's best insurance coverage